Leading Swedish manufacturer of

thermosetti​ng resin floor coatings​


Eradur has coatings with a wide variety of opportunities for retail and retail operations. Whether the floor is smooth or slip-resistant, you can trust that we deliver a coating with high performance and very good performance.

In environments with a lot of pedestrian traffic, where many people are in motion, where lighter trucks and machines are used, then an easy-to-clean, elegant and durable surface with a great possibility for functional design is needed.

It is therefore recommended to avoid completely monochromatic surfaces.


We recommend

Also suitable


Eradur AB, Granitgatan 11, 254 68 Helsingborg, Sweden  •  Tel. +46 42 29​ ​22 50 •  info@eradur.com •  Org. nr: 556526-4354